Paddy’s Market
It’s hard to imagine St Patrick’s day without Paddy’s Market at the RCH? Although it was a few days later than the 17th it did not dampen the enthusiasm of Pam and her team nor the buyers who were delighted with the range and quality of the goods on offer. And, of course, all the money raised goes to support research.
Pam is supported by a wonderful group of people upon whom she can rely for items to sell on her stalls and support when it comes time to sell them. Here is what she has to say about for of them.
Lois has wonderful dressmaking skills. She makes reversible little dress for twelve month old toddlers and beautiful reversible coats for three year old girls. Pure wool on one side and pure cotton on the other. We sell them for $60 and they are highly sought after.
Anne brings to our stall the most beautiful crocheted animals and other assorted high quality items for small children. Ann is a kindergarten teacher and understands exactly what children look for and what their parents wish to purchase for them.
Lyn is a great knitter. For many years she has been knitting football jumpers for teddy bears. She takes orders from various people and then by “word of mouth” she becomes swamped with orders. All money goes to CIKA. For this stall she knitted tiny yellow chickens and placed a small Easter egg inside each one. She bought twenty with her and they sold very quickly.
Eugenia has bee hives in her garden at Donvale. Over the past five years or so, she has donated hundreds of jars of organic honey to CIKA. Once you have tasted her honey you will never be satisfied with the commercial honey in the supermarkets. On this day we only took twenty four jars with us. All sold very quickly. Could have sold fifty if we had the stock with us.

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