Gwen and Andy Kakafikas
There are many stories within the CIKA community and this is one we would like to share.
Members of The Macedon Ranges Focus group have been supporters of CIKA for many years and in 2009 Focus member Gwen Kakafikas approached CIKA member Sandra Lehrer and presented her with a very generous cheque. Gwen has had a long involvement with Focus; she was president for several years and was a very active longstanding committee member.
We are now many years down the road and each year Gwen and her husband Andy present a cheque to CIKA at the Focus Christmas party. They have a keen interest in the research that CIKA funds and have attended several CIKA open lab days. Last year their valuable contributions were recognised in an informal way at the RCH when they shared an afternoon tea with Sue Hunt, CEO of The RCH Foundation.
We value the commitment, interest and friendship that CIKA has received from Gwen and Andy and their valuable contribution is very much appreciated.

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