Research report 2004 – Diagnostic Testing
The Diagnostic testing programme was one of three research programmes reported in the CIKA winter newsletter for 2005 as being funded at that time. $120,000 was committed for 2004-2005 with a further $160,000 pledged for 2005-2006.
The Diagnostic Testing programme was carried out in the Molecular Oncology Laboratory at the RCH. Its purpose was to develop of diagnostic testing, using molecular genetics, that will be applied to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of childhood solid tumours.
Expected Outcomes: Establishment of accredited tests to enable tailored treatment protocols which should help reduce later-life side effects from cancer treatment.
CIKA Funding Commencement: 2004.
Expected Completion: June 2005.
Milestones: NATA accreditation completed Nov 2004. Automation of PCR based assays for molecular tests during 2005.
Cancers targetted: Hepatoblastoma, desmoplastic small round cell tumour, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, Wilms’ tumour, brain tumours, Ewing sarcoma, and cancer related syndromes.
Achievements to date: Thirteen tests for solid tumours and tumour syndromes have been established and accredited.
Further details of this project were reported in the CIKA Newsletter for Summer 2004 which congratulated the lab team on achieving full NATA accreditation.