Charity Auction
CIKA’s first fundraising Charity Auction took place on Sunday 5 December 2010, raising $5,537.25, all of which was donated to support research into childhood cancer at the RCH.
CIKA was most fortunate to be on the receiving end of a wonderful function organized by Beverley Garrett at the Heathmont Bowling Club. A great team of people came together to supply and donate food and a multitude of other items for this event.
A big thank you to Faye and Sandra for setting up the CIKA stall and the promotional material. Ellen Webb, as always, was a great support when it came time for speeches, and it was fantastic to have Ted and Sue Taplin with us at the event.
A special thank you to CIKA supporter Pam Phillips who did several days of baking for the luncheon and a very special tribute to Margaret and Geoff Greenwood who were recognized by CIKA and by their local Mayor for the great contribution they have made to the Royal Children’s Hospital over the years.
In addition, CIKA is most grateful to the following people without whom the event would not have been such an outstanding success:
Denise and Amy Gregory
Kate, Deb and Warren Barry
Denise and Mike Kaczynski
Anne Callander and Donna
Brendan Howard
Deb and Steven Dare
Natalie Thomas
Ron Garratt
Well done everyone.
Irma Turner
Lindsay O’Brien
Tony Dib (Maroondah Mayor)
Tanya Douglass
Marty De Visser
Heathmont Bowls Club
and the CIKA team
Bidding was fast and furious
Cool entertainment
Sue and Ted Taplin (closest to camera) are dedicated CIKA supporters.
Pam Phillips and Margaret Greenwood who work so hard for CIKA and the RCH
Organiser Bev Garratt and CIKA president Sandra Lehrer.
The Maroondah Leader for Tuesday December 21 reported on the event as follows:

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