A Wonderful Gift.
Our $40 for 40 Years appeal had an amazing boost recently with a $10,000 donation from Kaye Haslam. Kaye joined CIKA in the very early days and knew all the founding members. As for so many of our members, CIKA helped her through a very tough period after she lost her son, Marshall, at the age of five. Had he lived he would now be 41.
Although she now lives in Western Australia, Kaye is able to follow what CIKA is up to via the eNews and website. Kaye has always wanted to donate to CIKA and the opportunity came after the passing of her parents and the settlement of their estate. She is very happy to know that this money will go to much needed research.
Kaye at the 30 year celebration cocktail party in 2010 attended by many early supporters of CIKA.
Left to Right: John Tasker, Lois Tasker, Trudie Gore, Kaye Haslam and researcher, Denise Caruso.
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