Sheilas’ Shed

The RCH Auxiliaries have supporters from many walks of life.  They show great initiative in assisting in the production of craft products for the stalls held at The RCH and elsewhere.  One such group is Sheilas’ Shed which is situated in Ballarat.  This small group of women came together in 2009 to work to provide handcrafted products for fund-raising stalls, and, over the years, CIKA and other auxiliaries have benefited from the unique goods produced.  What a fabulous concept from Isabel, Marj, Eileen and Barbara.

The group comes together every Tuesday morning at Isabel’s home where she has a dedicated room set up to create the unique goods that are manufactured there.  These include letter holders, man cave signs, note pad holders, safe scissor holders, key holders and many other unique products.

The materials required to produce these products include timber, paint and decals and are all paid for by the women themselves.  Fortunately, Isabel’s son is able to cut the timber for them.  You will soon have the opportunity to purchase these items once again because they will be back on the auxiliary stalls at The RCH and will feature at The Old Time Wood Days in November this year.