On the Road Again
After a Covid break of two years it was great to have the Tractor Trek underway again on the weekend of 30 April to 1 May. This annual event is a precursor for the Wood Days weekend that will be back in full swing this year on the 12th and 13th of November at Milltown.
The drivers and tractors involved in the trek came together at Heywood Ag (thanks to Daryl for his continued support) and the contingent of over twenty tractors and support crew made the journey from Heywood to Lyons Lunch Spot, stopped for lunch, then on to Hotspur for an overnight camp. The evening was a great social event with around sixty participants attending and enjoying a hearty three course meal prepared and cooked by the Wood Days crew. Then followed fundraising with a raffle and the fun of a spinning wheel.
The next morning the camp was packed up and the Trek returned to Heywood where lunch was provided by the Lions Club of Heywood.
It was great to have a lot of participation in this event and Christine and Andrew Duyvestyn, who were responsible for much of the organisation, would like to thank the other Wood Days and CIKA supporters who assisted with this fundraiser. So, to Helen and John Holcombe, Brett and Michelle Duyvestyn, and Nick and Kaye Duyvestyn, we thank you for taking the time to assist for this weekend and for your continued support for these events.

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