2018 RCH Luncheon
15 August saw forty five guests attend a very successful information luncheon at the RCH.
Thirty were from Focus and the rest were guests who are interested in the research that we fund. We had three speakers.
Sue Hunt talked about the evolution of the RCH auxiliaries and the impact that they have had on the hospital since its establishment. She managed to weave in the story of the women involved in the initial set up of the hospital and to bring it forward to today.
Mary McGowan described the changes in the delivery of care and the improved success rate of treatment for children diagnosed with cancer since the 1970’s.
Louise Ludlow presented information about her work in a manner easily understandable by the lay person, and we appreciate her making the time available to talk to our guests.
A big thank you to Lucia, Faye, Wendy, Sala and Ruth; it was a great team effort setting up the event and cleaning up afterwards.

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