Impact Report 2020
CIKA recently received a report from the Children’s Cancer Centre at the RCH, detailing progress in the work being done on the various clinical trials currently running at the hospital. At the time of writing, eight trials are actively recruiting patients, one is proposed for commencement later this year and a further five are closed to recruitment but continuing to monitor patients for data collection in the follow up phase.
Active trials that are continuing to recruit:
1. Ewing 2008 (Eurodact 2008-003658-13): an intergroup, prospective clinical trial for the treatment of children and young people diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma
2. LCHIV: International collaborative treatment protocol for children and adolescents with langerhans cell histiocytosis;
3. APEC14B1: The Project EveryChild protocol: a registry, eligibility screening, biology and outcome study;
4. AGCT1531: A phase III study of active surveillance for low risk and a randomized trial of carboplatin versus cisplatin for standard risk paediatric and adult patients with germ cell tumours;
5. EuroNet-PHL-C2: an international clinical trial for the treatment of children and young adults with classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma;
6. A Pilot Induction Regimen Incorporating chimeric 14.18 antibody (ch14.18, dinutuximab) (NSC# 764038, IND# 4308) and sargramostim (GM-CSF) for the treatment of newly diagnosed high risk neuroblastoma;
7. Paediatric Hepatic Malignancy International Therapeutic Trial (PHITT);
8. A multicentre, open-label, randomized phase two study to compare the efficacy and safety of lenvatinib in combination with ifosfamide and etoposide versus ifosfamide and etoposide alone in children, adolescents and young adults with relapsed or refractory osteosarcoma (OLIE).
Proposed for commencement in July or August2020 “dependent on current circumstances of COVID-19”:
1. An overarching study for children and adults with frontline and relapsed rhabdomyosarcoma.
Active but no longer recruiting:
1. AREN03B2: Renal tumours classification, biology, and banking study;
2. AREN0533: Treatment of newly diagnosed higher risk favourable histology Wilms tumours;
3. AREN0532: Treatment for very low and standard risk favourable histology Wilms tumour;
4. ARET0332: A study of unilateral retinoblastoma with and without histopathologic high-risk features and the role of adjuvant chemotherapy;
5. AOST0331: A randomized trial of the European and American osteosarcoma study group to optimize treatment strategies for resectable osteosarcoma based on histological response to pre-operative chemotherapy.
The report concludes with a message of thanks from the current solid study coordinator, Yan Tu, who wrote: A big thank you to CIKA, as without your support I would not be in this role. This funding has enabled me to move from the bench to the bedside of cancer research and gives me the opportunity to see the end product of the hard work of the scientific community. Most importantly, in this role I am contributing to the treatment and support of our patients and their families who ultimately allow me to walk with them on their cancer journey.
Click here to download a copy of the report.
CIKA is proud of the contribution that we make to the work of the dedicated researchers who are working so hard to fight the scourge of childhood cancer. Over the forty years of our existence, we have contributed over four million dollars to this fight.