Bendigo Posties Honoured for Their Dedication
The Bendigo Posties have been supporting CIKA since 2017 when CIKA member Ruth Edelsten was asked by her local postman, Chris, to do a presentation to the Bendigo “Postie” team about her work in fundraising for CIKA. Ruth’s talk was well received and, encouraged by Bill McGavock, Manager of the the Bendigo Delivery Network for Australia Post, posties Lisa, Chris and Kevin undertook to organise monthly raffles for CIKA. These have been a constant in the posties’ break rooms in Bendigo ever since.
As a result of this initiative, at the end of each year CIKA has been presented with a very generous donation. We admire the dedication and generosity with which this band of more than fifty continues to support CIKA. Hence, it was timely that members of the CIKA team, accompanied by Lucia from the RCH auxiliary office, were able to come together with the main organisers of the monthly raffles for a luncheon, to thank them and to ask that our gratitude be extended to all the Bendigo posties who, so happily, contribute to supporting CIKA. Lucia presented Chris, Lisa and Kevin with a thank you certificate from the RCH Auxiliaries and reiterated our thanks for the continued great work that is undertaken by all of the posties.
At the next meeting of this group, there will be a formal presentation of a CIKA Champion award and Ruth Edelsten will present all of the posties with CIKA badges.

This year, Ruth was presented with a cheque for $4,000, raised by the raffle organising team during 2021. This was an amazing result and Chris, Lisa, and Kevin are to be congratulated for the hard work that they have put in to achieve this result. The ongoing support that they have received from Bill is noteworthy and we thank all four for their efforts on behalf of CIKA. Their support is continuing into 2022 and Lisa is already busy organising a Monster Easter Raffle. What a great team.

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